The Solar Fund (Fiji)
Building modern education capacity for generations of students in remote Fiji communities.

Our Purpose
Off-grid solar is a simple, effective and environmentally sound solution to give kids in remote schools 24-hour power and therefore the opportunity of a modern education. To date Its Time Foundation has installed 32 school solar systems and is currently working to significantly increase that number. That’s great, but these systems require monitoring and on-going maintenance to ensure they last for decades, delivering their social and climate impacts.
Its Time Foundation established The Solar Fund (Fiji) as a protected fund for the financing and overseeing of maintenance of those remote school solar projects in the Fiji Islands.
Our Process
Under the guidance of highly credentialed board members and advisors, The Solar Fund (Fiji) accumulates funds that are readily available to deploy quick response repairs to the school solar systems when issues occur. The Fund has a retained solar/electrical contractor to monitor and do preventive maintainance on the solar systems, as well as being at the ready to deal with outages and other issues.
See below for detailed documentation regarding structure, governance and operations of The Solar Fund (Fiji).

Our Funding
The Solar Fund (Fiji) attracts revenue from multiple sources. These include: inviting initial project donors to contribute an additional amount ear marked for system maintenance; a modest portion from the fuel savings created by the solar system is contributed by the schools; businesses and Not For Profits are invited to be part of the journey as supporting partners; direct donations; grants and raffles by supporting Not For Profits and tourism partners.
As well as specific guidelines to care for the solar systems, schools are asked to supply local transport, meals and accommodation and labour for digging (if required) to support maintenance visits. That reduces costs and schools have greater ownership of maintenance process.
Our History
Many island schools struggle with no electricity supply – or rely on dirty diesel generators they can barely afford to run a few hours a day. The kids have little or no chance of a modern education. Its Time Foundation provides clean, free electricity for lighting and computers and transforms the education and life prospects for these kids. Its Time also supplies power to the teachers’ homes to enhance their families’ quality of life.
The money saved on generator fuel creates decades of cash flow to buy computers and other desperately needed education resources. Considering most of the target schools have very few or no computers available for student use, this is a powerful investment in the kids’ opportunity for a modern education.
While the schools are not major emitters on a world scale, the projects are helping these communities take diesel generators offline and reduce their carbon footprint. The school communities’ are proud of doing their part in the fight against climate change. The solar system also provides an immediate and relevant opportunity for education about climate change, energy efficiency and sustainability.
Its Time Foundation uses premium equipment, so the schools will enjoy the benefits for decades. We appreciate the support of our business partners, not for profits and individual supporters that enable us to deliver quality at exceptional value.
Its Time Foundation delivered its first remote solar system on Rabi Island in 2008. Since it has installed 32 solar systems across the Fiji Islands. From 2025 it intends substantially scaling its activity with the long-term hope of providing reliable renewable power to all remote Fiji schools.
The details
Integrity, professionalism, transparency and effectiveness are cornerstones of The Solar Fund (Fiji). Below are the guidelines under which we operate.
Finance Policy and Procedure Manual
Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment policy
Privacy and Data Handling Policy
It appears that The Solar Fund (Fiji) maybe the first independent protected maintenance fund for small scale infrastructure in the South Pacific. Hence we are developing a guidance document and examples for the establishment of similar entities for other impacts and countries. The document will include our processes and various documentation. Our advisory consultant that developed our procedures and documentation is available to guide in the establishment of similar entities. For details Contact Us